Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jack-o-lanters questions

I got a great question from a fellow potter:

"I love your tutorial on how to make a pumpkin! I see that you completely close the top, but do you leave any hole for air to escape while it's drying? Is it not necessary to leave an air hole while it dries to leather hard? I know it needs a hole for when it is fired (which is accomplished with the carving,) but I didn't know if it was okay to leave it completely closed until you carve it."

Here was my answer:

"Thanks for your interest. I'm glad to help. Your concern about having a place for the air to escape is a valid concern. The danger is that if the clay is allowed to dry too fast, or of the clay is too saturated with water, cracks will appear. To remedy this you can poke a hole as you suggested, but I have found that as long as I cover the pumpkin up with plastic and dry it to the leather hard stage very slowly, it is just fine. Then when you make your first cut into the pumpkin you get to hear the pressurized air escape. It's kinda cool. Hope this helps"

I hope this helps others who may have had the same question. Keep the questions coming.

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