Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jack-o-lanters (continued)

Hopefully you saw episode #1 of the CodyO Show. This Blog post is a follow up for that episode. I have now turned over the pumpkin to Mrs. Olsen. This is the fun part for me because I get to just sit back, watch, and see what kind of crazy character of a jack-o-lantern Leah is going to come up with this year.

In this picture Leah is smoothing out any sharp corners in the verticle lines that I put in the pumpkin. It is easier to do that at this point because the clay is at a moister content known to potters at "leather hard".

You can almost hear the gears turning in Leah's head as she formulates a plan for this pumpkin's new personality. What will she come up with?

One thing that is nice about a clay pumpkin as apposed to a real one is that with a clay one you can add clay to create features. In this picture it almost looks like Leah is adding a beak to this jack-o-lantern.

Wow what a crazy looking creature! My wife has split the pumpkin's stem, which I think really adds to the whole bird look of the thing. A scary Halloween bird. I don't know. Maybe you see something else. Still, you gotta wonder where she gets this stuff. How does she come up with these crazy characters.

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