Sunday, September 27, 2009

The CodyO Show is helping other potters :)

It feels good to pass some knowledge along to someone else. In this case "The CodyO Show" was able to help someone all the way on the on the other side of the country. So, from the Pacific to the Atlantic I was able to pass on the a skill first taught to me by The Great Rudy Seehaver (a master potter who inspired many) and that is the skill to throw a ceramic pumpkin and turn it into a jack-o-lantern. Check out what this NY Giants fan and potter was able to come up with for their unique and very cool looking Jack-o-lantern:

I know it's the Giants logo but if you blur your vision it kinda looks like two eyes and a mouth also. Well done! Can't wait to see it glazed. If you missed the episode of The CodyO Show where I showed how to make your own thrown ceramic Jack-o-lantern click here for a rerun. Lets see what you can come up with!

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