Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Glaze Tests

I had been working with cone 10 when I was taking pottery classes. Now that I am set up at home, I have mostly been doing post fire reduction pottery (raku) and I am in the process of formulating some cone 6 glazes so that I can continue more of my functional pottery. I decided to use cone 6 because I like cone 10 colors and cone 6 has a cone 10 look, but is more economical.

In this picture, I took a base glaze and experimented with different levels of cobalt carb and rutile. The top row of tiles all have 0.25% cobalt carb. The second row down has 0.5%, the third row down has 0.75% and the bottom row has 1.0%. For each of the four rows if you count from left to right the levels of rutile will be 3%, 4%, 5%, 6% and 7%

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