Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kiln Conversion Questions

I got a great question from a fellow potter:

Thanks for the step by step you did on the conversion of your electric to gas. I'm about to start the same process now and would like to ask you about a million questions (burner size, propane usage, pressure, burner location, etc). Anyway, would appreciate your feedback if you have time. thanks,

Here was my response:

For a burner I use the MR750 burner and pressure regulator combo such as the one shown at this link:

I use a 9 gallon propane tank. This size tank is the smallest tank that I am able to use to bring my kiln up to temperature. I am usually almost out of gas when the kiln reaches temp. My propane tank is also the biggest tank that I think I would be able to carry when it is full of propane. These two factors are what brought me to the decision to buy this size tank. A larger tank might be nice for you if you are in a situation where you don't have to carry your tank far, or you have a hand truck or something.

The burner location is about an inch away from the hole in the kiln. I prop it up on cinder blocks. you can kinda see it on the first pic at the top, and third pic from the bottom on this page:

If you have any other questions feel free to ask I am glad to help. I would love to know how it works out for you. Maybe you will have some feedback that will help me, I am also kinda new at this.


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