I will be entering "Brutis" the zombie pig with hopes of winning the blue ribbon for "best of show" in this years Oregon potters Association Ceramics Showcase. The "OPA Showcase" is The nations largest show and sale of pottery, sculpture, garden art, home accessories and other works in clay exhibited in 150+ booths.
As well as exibitimg my scariest zombie pig I will be teaching anyone interested how to work on the potters wheel at the "adult clay area" on 4/30/10 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. Then on 5/1/10 From 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM I will be working with children in the "children's clay area" where we will be sculpting all kinds of fun things out of clay.
This years Showcase is at the Oregon Convention Center. Admission is free. It Opens 10-9 Friday & Saturday and 10-5 on Sunday. Hope to see you there.